We love to share good sources for your information and reference! Click here for English translation for Foreign Business Act. Recourse is from the Ministry of Commerce.
We love to share good sources for your information and reference! Click here for English translation for Foreign Business Act. Recourse is from the Ministry of Commerce.
BOI : THE BEST TOOL FOR FOERIGN INVESTORS BOI is a government unit established to attract both Thai and foreign investors to the country. They promote certain business by giving tax and non-tax privileges. Tax Privileges : corporate income tax, custom tax, etc. Non-Tax Privileges : land owner ship, immigration benefit, etc. As mentioned above, …
CAN FOREIGNERS 100% OWN A COMPANY IN THAILAND? This question has been asked so many times and the answer depends on what type of business you are looking for. As mentioned in the previous article ‘HOW TO FORM A COMPANY IN THAILAND?’, a company setup with foreign partner(s) more than 51% of the shares shall …
FORMS OF BUSINESS UNDER THE CIVIL CODE OF THAILAND The Civil Code of Thailand is the main law establishing the forms of business allowed in Thailand: Ordinary Partnership : The ordinary partnership requires at least 2 partners where all partners is fully liable for all debts of the business. Limited Partnership : Requiring at least …